Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why Pluck One String When You Can Strum the Guitar?

I just set up my high volume speakers in my office- it is currently 6:48 and I am technically not working thus the volume is all the way up and I think the senior center right next to my office is bumping too.

a couple of things i have been loving lately:
-childrens bibles (honestly it's the best way to learn the stories) I ain't ashamed to tote my picture Bible around!
-students who want more Bible studies, and time together :)
-torrential rain (although there is nothing like the awesome thunderstorms back in Chi-town)
-being able to give myself a haircut- what a gift (i just gave myself a compliment and accepted it)
-editing fotos!
-random acts of kindness displayed by great people
-my church and all the wonderful people that make my job such a joy! :)
-the spice club, lee dee lou, and my amazing friends
-my new handmade scarf, from etsy!
go and check out this girl's fantastic work! thank you!!!
shameless pictures with the scarf - love love love it :)


  1. What would life be like without Etsy? I love your new scarf!

  2. Stephanie! I don't want to imagine what life would be like without it! :) I am already looking forward to a post I want to do around christmas with a top ten list of things people should put on their christmas list (all etsy of course!) :)
    thank you- i am loving that i am in cooler weather and can wear it :)
