Friday, May 21, 2010

adventures in yogurt-making

You heard right....i made my very first batch of yogurt today. i have been contemplating getting a yogurt maker for awhile but haven't got around to was my day to acquire this treasure, for $6 no less!

During my lunch break, I went to one of the 3 thrift stores in the town I work in, per usual- (i rotate them throughout the week, and it is amazing how many new things i find -----this is another story for another day). Lo and behold, there was a yogurt maker...only in Washington. Only in Washington would you find a yogurt maker at a thrift store. So thus my afternoon adventure continued- bought my ingredients, and set to involves a lot of waiting actually. I let it sit for over 6 hours, and it takes anywhere from 4-10 depending on how tart you want it.

Mission Accomplished!

P.S. (I can't believe I just wrote a whole post about yogurt and I look genuinely freaky in this last picture.)


  1. ahhhh! i want one!!! does it make regular yogurt or frozen yogurt or both? i NEED to come to washington.

  2. aww jaymee! you MUST come to WA!! you would absolutely LOVE it here!!!
    if you want i can be on the lookout for one at a thrift store!- no garauntees but I may just find one!

  3. Thanks so much for the comment you left on my blog - it was so thoughtful! I also can't believe you take all your pics on your is a crazy thing!

    I have never been brave enough to try making my own yogurt, but after reading your post, I just might have to give it a try!
