Thursday, June 3, 2010

That Which Wasn't Said

Leave it to Thomas Merton to deliver- I love how he states with simplicity and perfect clarity. This is a particularly relevant passage to me, and I am thankful for his wisdom! This quote was passed along from a friend, and I would like to share it with you!

"False sincerity has much to say, because it is afraid. True candor can afford to be silent. It does not need to face an anticipated attack. Anything it may have to defend can be defended with perfect simplicity.
The arguments of religious people are so often insincere, and their insincerity is proportionate to their anger. Why do we get angry about what we believe? Because we do not really believe it. Or else what we pretend to be defending as 'truth' is really our own self-esteem. A person of sincerity is less interested in defending the truth than in stating it clearly, for that person thinks that if the truth be clearly seen it can very well take care of itself." - Thomas Merton

I have been thinking a lot about the passage in the Bible that says: "We need to be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 Each of these in and of itself is not sufficient for the WHOLE christian. We can be wise as serpents but lack all the humility and grace of Jesus. We can be innocent as doves but without all discernment and trepidation. Both characteristics are of equal importance, and I think that we need to work on how to bring them to a balance. Which is easier for you to expose- innocence, or wisdom?

1 comment:

  1. LAUREN. this is so wise it blows my mind. i've never even heard that passage but it very well should change my life.
